Current Fitness Routine

Working out isn’t always my favorite.

Even though I love fitness, I lose motivation too.

On days when I work a demanding job for up to 12 hours, keep up with clients, manage emails and a small business,  drive 2 hours round trip, and make time for friends, family, and a boyfriend, while still getting settled in from a move and having personal goals and hobbies, (and attempt to blog…) there are MANY days I just don’t know how I will get a workout in.  BUT I honestly can say I ALWAYS feel better after a good workout and thus, I push through the unmotivated times by reminding myself of that.  I’d almost describe how great I feel after a workout as a runner’s high…that “high” that I never found when I was running miles upon miles but finally found lifting heavy weights and challenging myself and trying new things. IMG_2365

So, what kind of workouts have I been doing now that I am short on time but still want to stay relatively ‘fit’?

Here is my training split currently:

Mon: Rest day

Tues: Shoulders/triceps

Wed: Back/Abs

Thurs: Yoga and StairMaster (15-20 minutes)

Friday: Legs

Saturday: Rest day

Sunday: Chest/Biceps


I have been taking 2 full rest days which has been a nice welcome with my schedule.  I have also been listening to my body and taking another off day if I need it and usually just end up walking my dog.  I have been attempting to get to a yoga class 1 time per week to help with stretching and stress but alas, I am not always successful.  I do warm-up before workouts for 10 minutes and cool down for 10 minutes as well (either done on the treadmill, elliptical, or stairs).  Some of those days I will do HIIT workouts instead of steady state as my cool-down if I didn’t sweat enough but nothing is ever over 10 minutes.


Most workouts focus on 2-3 movements per body part with 3 sets of anywhere from 8-12 reps.  I also try to include a leg movement on the 3 days I don’t work legs as a finisher! This may look like step-ups, dumbbell deadlifts, or kettlebell sumo squats.

This has been my training the past 2 weeks but may change in the next 2 weeks.  I love variety and need something new all the time which is definitely what hinders me – I can’t stick to the same procotol/program without wanting to switch it up even though I typically recommend that to others!! (No one’s perfect eh?!)

What does your workout routine currently look like?

6 thoughts on “Current Fitness Routine

  1. Now that I’m finally cleared to workout, I’ve been running 3ish miles every other day. I REALLY need to start adding in weights too! I really miss Body Pump, but know that’s too much for me right now. Your Pics are lookin good!


  2. You’re in such amazing shape and your core is so tiny, that is my goal! My current split is four days a week:
    Monday: Chest, Triceps, and Biceps
    Tuesday: Cardio
    Wednesday: Legs
    Thursday: Back and Shoulders

    Can you please give me feedback if this is a good split? When creating a workout program, do you decide on a split and then add exercises that work that muscle for the corresponding day?


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