
My First NPC Bikini Competition


Stage Shots

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So I haven’t been very good at this whole blogging thing.  My vice is definitely Instagram and there is no shame in my game!  I wanted to talk about my fitness and health journey throughout the year and I think the first thing I have to cover is my NPC Bikini Competition I did in June 2014.  Never in a million years did I think I would get on a stage in a teeny bikini but I faced my fears and DID IT!  I prepped for my competition in 12 weeks.  I did not hire a specific personal trainer or join a specific team because many I looked into seemed to have cookie cutter plans.  I ended up utilizing my good friend in the industry, Sean, as my coach.  I texted him in the Spring regarding doing a show.  At that point, I was 13 or 14 weeks out and knew it was now or never to commit.  I texted him about my interest in doing a show in June (it was early March) and he simply asked me to send him pictures of my physique and he would let me know if he thought I was ready to hit the stage in 12 short weeks.  I took pictures in a bikini that day and sent them over to him….his verdict: IT’S A GO!  I was nervous and excited and overwhelmed all at the same time!  I want to break these posts up summarizing my experience competing in the NPC in order to cover it all.  I am hoping to cover the costs of the competition, pros and cons, my workout schedule, my diet and meal plan, and all that goes into the preparation leading up to show day.  More to come!

Have you competed in an NPC (Natural Physique Committee) competition before?

What would you like to see regarding my journey to the stage?

To Health,

Dietitian Deanna


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